The journey begins......

Who would have ever thought I would come to this point in my life?  I never dreamed that I would have to put my embarrassing stats out in public view but does it really matter what the numbers are?  It's obvious I am fat and out of shape.  Monday begins my new journey.  If I have gotten brave enough to post this please do not use it for your entertainment but instead help and encourage me.  I will try to post my weight and eating journal, goals and success or failure. 

Weight  290
B/P 140/88  ( it has been higher as much as 160/110)
BMI   39.8
body fat 35.4
cholesterol 192 (normal is less than 150)
HDL 35  (needs to be above 40)
Glucose test 160 eating (normal <140)

These numbers came from a health screening at Sam's and I will try to catch the screening every month to watch my numbers.

Measurements  (sad but true)
Neck 18
chest 53
upper abs 48
lower abs 53
waist 47
r fupper arm 16
l upper arm 15 1/2
r forearm 12 1/2
l forearm 12
r thigh 27
l thigh 26
r calve 17
l calve 17

I will post an updated picture and measurements as well and report them monthly.
I will also try to post a daily journal of exercise and food and anything else I learn along the way.