Saturday, January 14, 2012

Who thought the new year could be so busy?

I can't believe I would ever be so busy that I couldn't take a few minutes to blog.  My schedule has been so off that it is really becoming crazy and I haven't even switched to midnights yet.  This week I worked 3, 14 hour days and one 11 hour and a nice short 7 hour day.  The problem with working like this is that I have no time to plan.  What I find myself doing, (which I know better) is eating when I get home.  With only a 30 minute lunch break you would think it would be easy to peel the weight right off but eating late at night is a step towards disaster.  I am going to try to sit down this weekend and make an eating plan that puts me back on the road to success.  Just to show how mixed up my schedule is I am typing this blog at 4:00 A.M. I was so looking forward to sleeping in when I went to bed at 11:00 last night.

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