Tuesday, July 5, 2011

survived the holidays, I think.

Yesterday was the fourth of July and lots of food and fun.  Started the day off with a 2 mile hill run to help prepare for the holiday eating that was in store. I didn't take baked chicken and decided to take my chances on the meat but took coleslaw made with Splenda recipe and dessert which was sugar free pudding with sugar free cool whip. Breakfast was fiber one cereal with a bowl of fruit and lunch wasn't until 2:00 which about killed a guy who has been eating about every 2-3 hours.  Dinner finally came and I tried to make wise choices and then had a hamburger patty without bun and a rib.  I was shocked that my body really did not like this much meat.  After the pork steak Sunday and then this I could tell my body would of much rather had chicken, fish or just plain veggies.  This is very weird for a guy who just a couple of years ago could have ate meat 3 meals a day and for dessert as well.  I am thankful for this change and for the next potluck will take a veggie main dish or some chicken breast.  I have got to figure out how to reach my goal without being eunhealthy in the was I approach it.  I am considering just running 5-6 days a week until graduation and staying off the elliptical machines.  Any suggestion could be helpful.

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