Sunday, July 3, 2011

What a weekend

Friday was a great day and we worked hard at work but it was a lot of office style work and I knew we were heading to the Muny and dinner at Ponderosa.  I came up with a plan to hit the gym extra hard to balance some of the calories that I was sure to take in.  At the gym I hit the cardio machines and burned over 700 cals and then off to Ponderosa.  At Ponderosa I ate as good as possible and didn't get carried away and was very careful at the Muny to avoid all the junk food but was disappointed to come home and weigh 5 pounds more than I normally do in the evening (I know the evening is a bad time to weigh but sometimes it helps keep me on track especially after a trip out) so much for burning 700 cals or so I thought.   I woke up Sat morning ate a bowl of Fiber one cereal and outside to work.  About an hour later I was starving (I also took 2 ginger root pills) I came in after about 2 hours and ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and went back to work, another 2 hours and had a Hardee's turkey burger and baked chips another 2 hours we had dinner.  I was starving all day long yesterday and could not satisfy my hunger I went to bed 5 pounds less than the night before.  I do admit I worked my tail off yesterday as we worked outside during the heat warning from 7 am until about 8:30 pm so I know that played a major role as well..  This being Sunday a nice break will be taken and weights will be posted in the morning.

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