Monday, February 28, 2011

First week weigh-in

Well the total is in for a weeks worth of work

Last week:   280

Today         273

          7 pounds lost

motivation for another week

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! Proud of you. It isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change. I lost 33 lbs from Oct. to January using Medifast & the Take Shape for Life program (books & DVD's & free Health Coach) and hitting the track 2x/week. I learned to make smart food choices, read labels, eat every few hours, drink LOTS of water & portion control. My health is better than it has been for years & I'm off all med's - blood pressure is great. I'm waaay older than you too;-) YOU CAN DO THIS - Life & death are set before you, choose LIFE! Praying for you Dale - Jimmy's Mom, Nancy
